Pullman Civic Trust
Stream Segment: Lilac
Contact Name: Carolyn Gordon
Number of Participants: 15
History with the AAS Program
Pullman Civic Trust was a “charter member” of the Adopt a Stream Program, providing a speaker at the Kickoff Celebration in September of 2016 as well as mustering a crew for the stream cleanup. We have participated regularly in the years since then.We have usually had anywhere from 6 to 15 volunteers, including PCT Board members with their families and friends, WSU students, and members of the public at large.
Reason for joining AAS Program
Caring for our rivers has been a core value for PCT since its origin in 1982. At that time, founder Loretta Anawalt launched a tireless campaign to change careless attitudes and actions regarding the rivers within our city. She wanted everyone, whether resident, business owner, or City official, to understand what an uncommon resource we have here, with the rivers. She wanted the whole town to appreciate, protect, enhance, and enjoy the rivers, turning ourselves toward the rivers, not turning our backs upon them. When the Adopt a Stream Program arose, it was a natural fit for the PCT mission.
Most rewarding experience with the AAS Program
Short-term, I would say that the fun and camaraderie of gathering with others to provide an active public service in the outdoors is rewarding in itself. For the long-term, improving the health of our rivers will benefit both wildlife and our city. Best of all, we have noticed a decreasing volume of trash in the recent years of the Program. The public has become better about putting trash where it belongs.
Favorite memory from AAS Clean-Ups
One delightful moment for a college student occurred when he found a $5 bill tucked into a cranny behind a post on the Pine Street Plaza pedestrian bridge. More recently, we found a suitcase with ladies underwear half buried in the streambank and a large metal bedframe. We like to photograph the things we find and challenge our “stream team” to find the most unusual item.