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The Palouse Conservation District has been identified as a Lead Entity for Salmon Recovery projects  within Whitman County.  Streams that originate in Whitman County and drain into the Snake River that are eligible for Salmon Recovery Funding Board project funding are Steptoe, Wawawai, Almota Creeks in the Palouse Conservation District boundaries and Penewawa within the Whitman Conservation District.


The Palouse Conservation District is working with landowners who are interested in protecting and restoring critical habitat for ESA listed summer steelhead.

How do Landowner's Benefit?

  • Eligible participants will receive technical and financial assistance to implement habitat projects.

  • Habitat for steelhead is 85% covered by grants in eligible streams.

  • Projects are documented to store water and keep it in watersheds longer 

  • Both in-stream structures and beaver dam analogs help recover the riparian areas and species.

  • Beavers help store water and promote the development of off-channel habitat.

If you are interested in steelhead or beaver restoration projects or would like more information please contact:
Bradley Johnson 

509-332-4101 ext. 6

Thinking about more than one program? No problem! We are happy to make a conservation plan for all your needs

Are you Eligible?
Eligible landowners need documented steelhead presence within streams on their property. Landowner or producers who have steelhead streams and are interested in more complex in-stream and riparian habitat with either placing in-stream structures or possibly utilizing beaver dam analogs just need to contact the Palouse CD.

For an up-close look at the Salmon Recovery work happening at PCD every day, please scroll through our Story Map here. This amazing project lets you view maps, data, photos, and supporting information all at once. 


Whitman County Commissioner  --  Michael Largent 

Citizen Member  --  Jon Jones 

Citizen Member  --  Gary Ryan

Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)

Washington’s CREP is a voluntary program designed to benefit both farms and fish. The program compensates farmers for growing a different crop in streamside areas of their property — that crop is salmon habitat. On the Palouse that means protecting and improving waters that flow into the Snake River.  We have CREP eligible acres along the South Fork Palouse River, and portions of North Fork Palouse River and Union Flat Creek within the District. 

How it Works

Landowners voluntarily sign up with the USDA Farm Service Agency to plant native trees and shrubs that form a “buffer” between farmland and eligible waterways.


A local CREP technician will work with you to design a plan for the buffer and plant the vegetation. Once the planning is complete, landowners receive annual rental payments for the acreage they restore for the duration of their CREP contract (10-15 years). After five years, most projects are well-established and further maintenance is usually minimal.

If you are interested in enrolling in CREP please contact

Randy Stevens

509-332-4101 x104

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