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Now Hiring: Watershed Restoration and Assessment Intern

Palouse Conservation District

Join our team! We are now hiring for a Watershed Restoration and Assessment Intern. Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest and a resume by April 18, 2023.

The Watershed Restoration and Assessment Intern will assist the Palouse Conservation District in implementing a research and monitoring program to assess changes in water quality, soil health, and riparian habitat associated with conservation projects installed on private lands. The conservation measures assessed will include riparian buffers and changes in agricultural tillage practices. This internship will provide networking opportunities while working with private landowners and 18 partners from local, state, and federal agencies, and scientists from WSU and the University of Idaho. While working with the Research and Monitoring team the intern will conduct water quality monitoring, stream and riparian habitat assessments, vegetation surveys, and will help with soil sampling. They will learn basic data and statistical analysis in R and Excel, GIS mapping and analysis techniques, and use GPS systems to map and monitor changes over time. The intern will also work with the Research and Monitoring Coordinator to design and implement a research project that fits the individual’s interests.

Click here to learn more and apply.

Palouse Conservation District is an equal opportunity employer.

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