Join us on Thursday, September 21st at 6:00 pm at the Paradise Creek Trailside Taproom for our Annual Confluence Crew Gathering! Confluence Crew is a volunteer community science water quality monitoring program administered by PCD. The program operates throughout Whitman County. Ryan Boylan, PCD Research & Monitoring Lead, will present the data that has been collected through the Confluence Crew program thus far and discuss how it adds to the data that PCD has been collecting at our monitoring sites. Click here to learn more about Confluence Crew.
Current and prospective volunteers, as well as interested community members, are all encouraged to join us for this event. Beverages will be available for purchase at the Taproom.
For questions about this event or the Confluence Crew program, please email Elizabeth at ElizabethS@PalouseCD.org.
Thank you to the Trailside Taproom for hosting us!