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Now Accepting RCPP Palouse River Watershed Applications

Palouse Conservation District

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

Palouse Conservation District and USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service will start accepting applications for their Palouse River Watershed Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) funding starting Oct. 19, 2022, until Nov. 30, 2022. This RCPP covers land within the Palouse River Watershed (WRIA 34) and includes land in Whitman, Spokane, Adams, and Lincoln counties.

The Palouse River Watershed RCPP is a partnership program led by Palouse Conservation District that provides technical assistance and funding for land management activities. Funding is available for practices that improve Soil Health, Water Quality, and Habitat. Common practices include: No-Till, Reduced Till, Cover Crop, Nutrient Management, Field Border, Filter Strip, Riparian Forest Buffer, Conservation Cover, and Conservation Crop Rotation.

Primary Resource Concern Categories are:

· Wind and Water Erosion

· Concentrated Erosion

· Soil Quality Limitations

· Field Sediment, nutrient, and pathogen loss

· Terrestrial habitat

· Aquatic habitat

Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) is a voluntary program that provides financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers to plan and implement conservation practices that improve soil, water, plant, animal, air, and related natural resources on agricultural ground. Eligible producers and entities interested in applying for financial assistance through this special RCPP sign-up may apply now.

The Natural Resources Conservation Service will work with partners through the RCPP to provide financial and technical assistance for landowners and producers wanting to address natural resource concerns in the Palouse River Watershed.

RCPP funding is limited, and applications will be subject to a ranking system. To be eligible, it is important that interested parties visit their local Farm Service Agency offices as soon as possible to ensure that their farm records are established.

All applicants must have their farm records established and their eligibility paperwork completed with the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) prior to submitting and applying for participation in NRCS programs.

For more information contact Stephanie Harper, Palouse Conservation District, at 509-553-1852

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

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